Healing Our Wounds of Separation from Nature
a free event with Pam Montgomery
April 30th at 12pm EDT

pink rose in bloom during daytime


    There was a time when humans lived close to Earth and all her beings shared in the bounty of the land but always gave back through the sacred trust of reciprocity.

    Nature and all her many aspects were seen as kin to be honored and respected and cared for. But a great amnesia has fallen upon us and we have forgotten the times when we were fully connected to Nature living according to our true essence as a part of Nature.

    During this sharing we will look at:

    🌿 The roots of our separation from Nature

    🌿 The deep wound it has created

    🌿 The importance of healing the wound

    🌿 How to heal our wound through interbeing

    Once we begin to emerge from separation into partnership we realize that we are actually a part of Nature and that separation is merely an illusion. As the veils of illusion lift an inherent knowing rises like a phoenix and whispers, “Welcome Home.”

    We will share in a guided meditation of being “welcomed home.”

    Please join us for this dynamic gathering and take up your rightful place as a part of Nature.

    If you can't join us live, please register above in order to receive the replay afterwards.

    Enter your name and email above to sign up for the free event!